Lynn Klein

November 13 1938 - June 21 2010

Marilyn Klein was my grandmother, but she was also grandmother to four more; including our Klein cousins and the Coxes. I knew her as a generous, patient babysitter and looked forward to spending time with her at her Kahala home while my parents enjoyed a much-deserved break. Her constant love and concern for us was demonstrated by her preoccupation with our safety – not letting us swim underwater for too long or run into the busy street. We joked about these things as we grew older, but it was her way of showing her love for us.

Her sweet spirit was evident in her constant generosity: she spoiled us rotten, and not only with the toys we wanted, but with her attention and special talent for making our favorite foods as well. Although we were all so fortunate to enjoy such a wonderful grandmother, we were well aware we shared this amazing woman with countless others.

Always giving of herself and her talents, Lynn Klein not only brought the Suzuki Association to Hawaii, but conducted violin, piano, and viola lessons out of her home. I clearly remember the patience she had for each and every student, including her own grandchildren, and I was impressed to see the talent she inspired as her young students grew up to achieve musical accomplishments.

She was truly someone who always put others before her, and I strive to be as kind-hearted and generous as this woman I admire and will always hold dear in my heart. Her entire life was changed with her diagnosis of Alzheimer’s a few years ago, there were moments even towards the end where you could see her kind spirit through this disease that proved to be a time of trial for many who relied on her.

Although my family and I miss her physical presence in our lives, I know that she had a diverse and unique impact on countless lives, I know my grandmother was truly loved and will be missed by not only her family, but also the greater community that has been touched by her gifts.